Unjust Military Accusations Against Serviceman
This week I had a client arrested for violating a military protective order because his attorney had a court ordered divorce mediation with the accuser’s attorney.
During the mediation his accuser demanded $16k and my client refused to pay. Thirty minutes later, he was arrested at gunpoint while in his home, still on the phone with his divorce attorney. His accuser told the military police that my client violated the military protective order because his divorce attorney contacted her divorce attorney during a mediation ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction.
He was taken to the MP station, booked, and held for 4 hours without food or water. In the meantime, the Command allowed his spouse to take valuable items from their home. Now, my client has been ordered to abandon his home and live in the barracks even though the accuser does not live in that house. I sent three emails to the Brigade Commander and called the legal advisor half a dozen times….they refuse to speak to me.
Does this sound like justice?
Robert Capovilla
Capovilla & Williams