It was clear that they had the experience
After being threatened with serious charges violating the UCMJ that could lead to a Court Martial and jail time, I decided to seek counsel from his firm. The intense pressure from my command had built up over several weeks, but after contacting Mr. Mickey Williams my command’s position and demeanor in handling the case changed almost overnight. Mickey in particular provided expert counsel. It was clear that they had the experience to understand the options and courses of action available for resolution of my case. In particular, his experience in the JAG Corp was fundamental to knowing how the system works. Mickey’s warrior minded strategy and professionalism helped me write my response to the command which was well received. I wish that no man should endure an ordeal like this, but if one finds themselves in such a position, these men are who I would turn to without a single moment’s hesitation! A tremendous thank you to you all for saving my career in the military and enabling me to now train to fight the true bad guys who wish to harm our nation