Fort Bliss, Texas Military Lawyers
With a name that belies the business conducted here, Fort Bliss (named after math professor and LTC William Bliss) is the home of America’s Tank Division. Dangerous stuff happens here, in the El Paso corner of Texas and spanning into New Mexico. And if one should forget that missile and artillery training and testing goes on in this vast 1,700-square-mile tract, the Fort Bliss website provides a timely reminder: “Military munitions are dangerous and may be encountered in areas currently or formerly used for military training or testing. Don’t forget the 3Rs of explosives safety — Recognize, Retreat, and Report.”
As a service member, learning that you’re the subject of a criminal investigation or face a court-martial can be a little like that. Someone levels accusations against you, and suddenly your service record and perhaps your career aspirations are in grave trouble. Recognize the trouble; resist the temptation to address the charges yourself (even if the allegations are false), and report the danger to people in a position to help.
Capovilla & Williams, one of the largest, most experienced military defense law firms to serve Fort Bliss, are those well-positioned allies. Attorneys at our firm focus on courts-martial defense, including sexual assault, domestic violence, and all drug-related offenses. Our expert team of military defense lawyers can also address administrative matters for you, including time-sensitive GOMOR and AR 15-6 rebuttals, OER and NCOER rebuttals, and all administrative separation boards. Hire our firm to get a team full of experts ready to fight your case today.
Court-Martials and Investigations at Fort Bliss
A sizable base like Fort Bliss is prone to generate a high number of court-martials and military police investigations each year. Volume, unfortunately, can create rushed investigations and marginalization of your case. For that reason, enlisted service members, NCOs, and officers of all ranks at Fort Bliss hire the military defense attorneys of Capovilla & Williams to represent them. Our cases range from accusations of fraud, theft, and larceny to harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, and drug charges, including positive drug tests, sales, and possession. At Capovilla & Williams, we also represent service members accused of disorderly conduct, failure to obey orders, and absence without official leave (AWOL).
Experienced Military Criminal Defense Attorneys
Capovilla & Williams is staffed with former JAG attorneys and combat veterans who know the military justice system and understand military culture. Our motivation is your fair treatment and exoneration; your commander’s take on the situation doesn’t sway us because we don’t answer to your leaders. Sometimes we even ruffle some feathers when we use independent investigators to reveal the truth that might contradict the military investigator’s narrative. We aim to build your best defense and secure you the most favorable outcome.
Remember, if you’re facing a court-martial, an investigation, or a disciplinary matter, resist the temptation to address the problem yourself. Skilled Fort Bliss legal defense by lawyers who know the military justice system is a much better choice. For a free, confidential consultation with Capovilla & Williams military attorney, call our office today at 404-496-7674 or contact us online.